Sunday, 7 November 2010

Twisted Christmas

I have been busy making wreaths and Christmas decorations this week ready for the Wylam Christmas card and craft sale, which took place yesterday morning. It was a pretty successful occasion despite being relegated to upstairs and most of the crowds remaining firmly downstairs. In my panic to get everything set up and the car loaded I forgot to take the camera for a picture of the stall. Never mind....I have finally managed to take some photos of the new stuff I made for it.

I absolutely love these twisted Hazel heart wreaths. My husband shapes and welds the frames which makes their construction quite simple. You have to listen to what every branch wants to do....they wont be forced, and why should they,they are so beautiful. I sold two at the sale and have an order for another.
I have also made several Christmas tree decorations from felt, I especially love the toadstools and the reindeer.


  1. oh my goodness I am loving EVERYTHING!!!! put me down for a twisted Hazel wreath!! (also love those angels, beautiful and simple)
